Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Laura's 3 Things

Three things you can't go without:
- family
- crochet hooks & yarn
- my phone (embarrassingly)

Three celebrity crushes: 
- Leonardo Dicaprio (seriously the dude doesn't age)
- Charlie Hunnam
- Matthew Morrison

Three favorite book characters: 
- Beth from Little Woman
- Jo from Little Woman
- Meg from Little Woman
(surprisingly not Amy....we are too much alike!)

Three favorite things to wear: 
- black yoga pants
- white tank tops
- long shirts

Three things you take when evacuating the house:
- computer/hard drive
- baby pillow and Fifi
- box of past planners

Three pet peeves:
- snoring (sorry Shawn)
- constant touching 
- people being late 

Three favorite TV shows: 
- Friends
- Big Brother
- The Bachelor/Bachelorette

Three things you would do if you weren't afraid: 
- sky dive (HA)
- get a tattoo
- chase a tornado

Three favorite movies: 
- Apollo 13
- Little Woman
- The Sound of Music

Three places you want to visit: 
- the Swiss Alps
- Fiji
- New York City (at Christmas)


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