Monday, September 26, 2016

BB18 - Post Season Blog

Since Big Brother 18 ended last week I wanted to do a recap and see how I did predicting at the end of the season!!

Here is how I ranked them in order of eviction and how they actually went out:

1- Glenn                             Glenn
2- Victor                             Josea
3- Michelle                         Victor
4- Josea                               Bronte
5- Tiffany                            Tiffany
6- Natalie                            Frank
7- Day                                 Day
8- Frank                               Zakiyah
9- Bronte                             Bridgette
10- Bridgette                       Paulie
11- Paulie                            Michelle
12- Zakiyah                        Natalie
12- Nicole                           Corey
13- James                            James
14- Corey                            Paul
15- Paul                               Nicole

I didn't do too bad!! I picked the final 4! However I never in a million year would have bet the Nicole would walk away with the $500,000. Especially when she was sitting next to Paul in the final chairs.

This season wasn't the best as far as game play. Actually in all reality it was quite boring. There weren't any HUGE game moves or blindsides. Day would have been the biggest blindside to Michelle....but that's about it.

Glenn- poor Glenn, out the first day!

Jozea - dear Lord let me never see or hear of him again. Worst BB player in the history of the game.

Victor - I had mad respect for him. When he first went into the house I was scared. He thought he was too cool. But once he was evicted and came back in the game I turned a corner. He deserved to win and I am so glad he was AFP.

Bronte - her voice killed me and really she didn't have much game at all. Out on a math comp.

Tiffany - cry me a river and go back to Florida!

Frank - there was potential but man what a filthy mouth and butt.

Day - LOVED mama Day!! She had some major flaws but she did play a different less emotional game than last time.

Zakiyah - she did really well! Worst thing was aligning with Paulie and then going back to him after his horrible remarks and fighting with Day in the jury.

Bridgette - I just can't get over the Cabbage Patch reference. She did all of Frank's dirty work and was quite annoying.

Paulie - what once was hot is now not. Man did he lose points with the comments he made to the girls. I'm not a feminist at all but that was just rude and disrespectful.

Michelle - I totally underestimated Big Meech. Seriously I ended up loving the cry baby by the end of the season! She was such a superfan!

Natalie - WOW!! She surprised me! Making it to final 5. She had crazy strength and aligning with James helped a ton.

Corey - What a dud..... I feel like my 5 year old could hold a better conversation than this guy.

James - really didn't like your lack of game play this year. I'm not surprised you went out before final 2. But I loved James and Natalie together!

Paul - I will admit I now have a huge crush on Paul. His dry volger humor made this season. But his emotional side also played a huge part in his character. He was quite entertaining on the live feed. He will be in All Stars for sure. I so wish he had won.

Nicole - I can not believe she won. Does she deserve it? I think she does in some aspects. She did a lot of game moves and was never on the block until day what 77? That's impressive. She aligned with the guys and that helped. She was the first woman to win against a man!

Well that the end of BB18! Another summer over. I'm curious to see how this BB fall season is. I think the cast is announced today. I will do another overview of first impressions and see how I do. Until next summer.... or Wednesday!

Biggggg Bruuuuutha!


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