Friday, October 24, 2014

Daily Baby Schedule Books

Before I had Reid I wanted something that I could document everything. You should see my planner. Want to know what we had for dinner on July 15? Or what time Emmy took a nap on December 8? I could tell you. How about the weather?! Yes I write that down too. So I figured I needed to create a book that would let me keep track of everything. This is how the first edition of the schedule book came about. I wrote down 365 days of nursing, when he had a dirty diaper, when he started which foods etc. This is going to be great blackmail for when he is dating! When two of my friends were about to have their babies I decided to make them a copy of them. Turns out they loved them! They said I should sell them. I was very skeptical. What if they don't sell. What if... what if... what if?! I changed up the books with notes from these friends about different options and how they used them. They are now not specifically geared toward breastfeeding, instead leave room for nursing AND bottle fed babies. I struggled with breastfeeding with both kids. Natural isn't always easy. We supplemented and ended up switching to formula at 7 months with Reid and 3 months with Emmy.

Here is a sample of the book: 
Each day has a blank line for the date and day to be filled in when the baby arrives. 
The days are divided into AM & PM columns. They are then divided by 30 minutes. The S column is for sleeping. Then there is the Side column for which side (L or R) you are nursing on. The next column is for Minutes nursed or Ounces. The next column is for Diapers (wet or poopy). The Other column is for small notes i.e. medicine, bath, solid foods, etc. Then there is room for daily notes. 

The books are offered in 3 choices: 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. 

There are 4 different cover choices in a variety of colors.
You can select to have a personalized name or a generic title. 

Each cover has 2 colors that can be changed to any of these color combinations. 

These books seem to be a very popular item on Etsy! Who would have thought? I am very excited to share these with the world. 

If you are interested in buying them please check out these links to the Etsy store. 


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