I came home from running errands and saw Glee, outdoor cat, attaching something. It's not an unusual thing since she is a great mouser. I jumped out of the car and saw a bright yellow bird. I pulled Glee off of the bird and took her to the front porch and told her to stay there. She didn't listen. I proceeded to try to get this bird away from the attack cat and help it fly away. The only problem is it wouldn't fly...
I quickly remembered a trashcan that I had just purchased at the store was in the back of the car. Fifteen minutes later she was in the trashcan. Now what? I had no idea. I took the trashcan to the backyard and went inside to tell the babysitter that I wasn't in fact late I was chasing a bird. She looked a little confused until I took her and my son out to see our feathery friend....still in the trashcan.
After laughing and asking her what I should do, to which she also had no idea, I went to the front porch and grabbed an old bird house that I had randomly found on the side of the road. Can this store get any weirder?? It was old and falling apart but it would contain her better than the trashcan. A quick transfer with a gloved hand and she was in her new temporary home.
My son and I quickly went on an adventure to Petsmart to buy the essentials. Thank goodness they had food that said "Parakeet food" because I had NO idea what they ate. We got a cage and he picked out a toy, because what bird doesn't need a toy?! Off to home we went.
Fast forward and we still have the bird! Her name is Twitter and she is a yellow faced albino budgie. We called the local vets, ASPCA, and even the FW zoo. They actually said they get a lot of calls about birds but she didn't belong to them. So now we are bird owners, learning each day. She is still very scared but her wing has healed and we let her fly around a playroom and stretch out quite often!
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