Thursday, December 3, 2015

What the what?!

Six months. It's been 6 months since I've updated this thing. Sorry mom. (Not that she's going to read this lol) Any who I'm back. 

Currently laying awake at 1:50am because my overactive mind won't shut up. Seriously. Hubs is next to me snoring away and I'm wide awake. 

Can I just tell you how much I love Adele? I can't believe how every song feels like she writes makes everyone feel like she wrote it for you. Love her hair too, just sayin. It's so nice to have a normal size person in the spotlight. Not saying there is anything wrong with skinny people, I dream of being one, it's just nice to see someone breaking the mold and not caring whilst. <-- my new favorite word. 
P.S. I totally want "hello" as my text tone. Put it on my to-do list for tomorrow. 

Speaking of, I'm curious to see how many things I can actually cross off my list tomorrow. Tonight I made 5 hats. Tomorrow I pick up books and start a blanket that ohhhh has to go out Friday. Am I crazy?! Yup! But alas I got what I wished for and my Etsy store has orders so I can't complain. However I am still figuring out how to get an extra hour in the day. Although I'm sure ironically that hour would probably fall in the middle of the night and then just make my insomnia longer. 

I'm on new medicine for the thyroid. Not sure how I feel about it. I was hoping that I would magically feel better. Didn't happen. Which is fine. My levels are coming down which is good. I'm now down to an 8.9 TSH (from 13.8) The only thing now is I am still having crazy swelling of my face and now my thyroid. I can feel it when I swallow. Not cool. I get an ultrasound next Friday so we will see. I'm just ready to figure this damn Hashi out. 

In other news...
The elves are back. Mr. & Mrs. Giggle are back to their crazy tricks. This after I lost one. It's funny you hide it from your children only to actually hide it from yourself when they "magically" fly away. Oops! Alas. Night 2 and I remembered to move them. Score. 

Random facts: 
- I love saying the alphabet backwards
- I found out that cordial has a "d" my way of spelling it "corgel" and my autocorrect couldn't figure it out 🙈
- For the first time this century I have a big toenail on my right foot!! (Surgery gone bad in 1999!) pedicure here I come!
- I miss having a best friend in the city limits

Whelp I'm off to try to sleep. 

Until later. 


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