Monday, May 25, 2015

Nail or Fail: superglue

Last week Reid came to me and asked me to glue his plane that had broken. No problem! I glued it and put it up on the counter and explained not to touch until mommy gave the all clear. Well he didn't listen. Immediately tears because his fingers got glue on them. Not just any glue but superglue. Great. ER? Attempt to get it off with water? Nope! Here's what I did! 

First I grabbed some butter and salt. It would work with any corse grain also. Just needs to be hard enough to make an exfoliant. Slowly I rubbed the butter between his fingers until they were freed. It greased it enough to pull apart. Then I mixed the salt in and rubbed the glue off. 

This was definitely a NAIL! I will always be grabbing the butter and salt when I myself glue my fingers together. Let's face it. It happens about once a month. The other day I glued a light bulb to my hand. Ya it's a long story.... 


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