Thursday, March 26, 2015

Emergency Preparedness Kit - What's in my bag

With the beginning of storm season upon us it was time to update our family Emergency Preparedness Kit. I update it every year with new food and clothing in appropriate sizes. You can never fully be prepared for what mother nature will have in store but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Growing up in Colorado I was not familiar with tornado weather. We did have severe storms and heavy rain with hail but tornados don't form high in the Rocky Mountains. When I moved to Texas in 2001 I was in for a shock. The first year I was here I spent some time in the girls bathroom waiting for tornados to pass over. This Colorado girl was shaking in her cowboy boots!

I've always had a fascination with weather and once moving to Texas my fascination became a passion.  You will find me watching The Weather Channel all day during storm season. I even watch storm chasers live streaming while chasing storms. ::side note:: My first son may be named after a storm chaser... ok just halfway inspired by him. (The other half a contestant from The Bachelorette! HA) :: I'm considered the weather girl of the family. They call me to see what the weather conditions are going to be! Also if a severe storm with large hail or a tornado is coming towards them I call immediately. Heck, give me your phone number and I will put you on my call list!! I've watched the destruction that tornados can cause and I hope that in my life I will never have to live through it but if it does happen here is how I will be prepared.

Here is what is inside our bag for a family of 4 plus 1 cat:
- 1 ziplock with essentials
     - 2 flashlights
     - extra batteries
     - scissors
     - radio
     - matches
     - marker / paper
- 1 ziplock with essential papers (identification cards, medical cards, insurance papers)
- 2 first aid kits
- 4 small towels (1 per person)
- 1 or 2 pairs of working gloves
- 1 ziplock of small food items
- 1 baby bag - diapers, Advil/Tylenol with syringe
- 1 pack of baby wipes
- 1 ziplock of clothes per person (shirt, shorts, socks, underwear)
- 1 bottle of water per person
- 1 bag / can of cat food and bowl
- 1 pet collar
- 1 roll of toilet paper and cotton balls
- a few small toys

Outside the bag:
- 1 pair of shoes with soles per person
- 1 bicycle helmet per person
- 1 cat carrier
- 1 set of car keys

Everything should fit into the backpack. You don't want to be carrying around a suitcase. Only pack the essentials. Also packing in ziplock backs allows for organization, keeps things dry and also packs flat. Shown here are the gloves, small towels and a packed bag.

In the front pocket of the bag I keep a ziplock with the above items. These allow for quick access to flashlights, matches and scissors. Also keep one of the First Aid Kits in the front of top for a quick grab. 

Pictured here are my 4 bottles of water. You don't have to have a lot of water because it would be impossible to carry but at least 1 for each person. Both First Aid kits are pictured here. They including everything burn ointments, bandaids, ace bandages, a tourniquet, finger splints, antiseptic, gauze, etc. A large package of wipes not only for baby but also for cleaning off. The baby bag has diapers, infant Tylenol and children's Advil with syringes. A ziplock of non perishable food. I include granola bars, crackers, fruit snacks and applesauce. Easy to carry and again one per person. Update these yearly.

One thing that haunts me when I think about severe storms is losing my animals. They are very dear to me and depend on me for their safety. Don't forget to include stuff for them! I have the collar which I put on immediately when there is a warning with a tag with his name and our phone numbers. A can of food and a bag of dry food with a bowl. Update food each year. 

I include 3 bags of clothes. Each one of us has a shirt, pants/shorts, a pair of underwear and a pair of socks. The children's clothes are smaller and can be in one bag. Update these each year as children grow into new sizes. 

Bathroom essentials! You never know when you will have to go so toilet paper is a must. I also included extra cotton balls just to have on hand. 

When we are in our safety room we each wear a helmet. I have 4 of them. This way our heads are protected from falling debris. Up to 22% of people who die in a tornado died from a head injury. I am not willing to take that chance. Plus the kiddos look really cute sitting there with helmets on. Make it a fun game for them to wear them.

I know some will say this is an overkill but I feel like I would rather be over prepared than under prepared. Safety comes first in our family!

So that is our Emergency Preparedness Kit, what is in yours?!?!


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