Saturday, April 4, 2015

Medical Journey

I can't pinpoint the exact moment when I knew something was wrong but I do remember the first time I felt this pain. I was about 4 months pregnant with Reid. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought oh no I have the flu. My arms and legs hurt like I have never felt before. Now 4.5 years later I have an answer. 

The doctor said it was just a weird pregnancy symptom. They always chalk it up to pregnancy and that's definitely a valid answer because pregnancy does weird things to your body. She ran a few tests and my thyroid was a little elevated but not enough to warrant anything. And wouldn't you know the day I had Reid the pain stopped. 

The second I got pregnant with Emmy I knew I was pregnant before the positive test because my arms and legs started hurting. This pregnancy was rough. I was in so much pain from literally day one. 

Again she tested my thyroid and it was a little elevated but again nothing to do about it. As soon as Emmy was born the pain stopped again! Maybe it was just pregnancy?!

After Emmy's first birthday the pain came back. I got scared I was pregnant. Phew nope! Just pain and excruciating at that. I chalked it up to carrying 2 children and running around like ...well... a mom! But then I got a lot of other weird symptoms. 

My hair and my nails started to break easily. My vision started doing weird things. Doubling and coming in and out of focus. I was cold which is very unlike me! My skin was dry. I would sweat at weird times/places and all the time  But worst of all was the weight gain. 

I've struggled with weight issues in my past. It wasn't pretty. Yes after both pregnancies it's been hard to lose the weight. Partly because of postpartum issues. I just kept putting on the weight. But then I noticed no matter how healthy I ate the scale would creep up. And then 24 pounds in 3 month? WHAT?? I felt horrible. 

Between the pain and the weight I just knew something wasn't right. I made an appointment with my primary doctor. I will admit this visit was over due. 

Now one thing you need to know is I loath doctor's offices. Like with a passion. Sitting with other people freaks me out to the high heavens. Get me to the room and I'm fine. But waiting not so much. I had Shawn come with me for moral support. 

I saw the doctor and told her everything that was going on. She asked a ton of questions too. The biggest was my family history of autoimmune diseases. Well since I am adopted I don't know any of my medical history. I so wish I knew something, anything. After seeing the her I went and got my blood drawn. 

Then waited for the results. The first ones came in and looked ok. I have high cholesterol which is fine. Not crazy high but enough. All the other stuff looked good! Glucose, liver function, kidney function, blood cell counts etc. Then the thyroid number came through and I was a 13.7 with the normal range expected to be between 2-5. There is was Hypothyroidism. But everything else looked good.

The nurse called and put me on synthroid to start and see them again in 6 weeks. 

So here goes the beginning of my health story. My quest to figure this all out! 


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